简介:Maths has been enjoying a renaissance as a degree subject since sixth-form numbers began to recover from a slump in the last decade. Applications dropped by less than 4 per cent with the switch to higher fees, wiping out the increase in 2011. But the subject still attracted almost 15,000 more applications than it did in 2005. The number of places has grown as well – about 7,600 started degrees in 2011, after the latest in a series of increases. Entry grades are high, even though there were only 5.5 applications to the place in 2011 – below the average for all subjects. Cambridge’s average of 669 points per entrant – almost the equivalent of four A* grades and two As at AS level – is the highest there has ever been for any subject in the Guide. A dozen universities recorded averages of more than 500 points and more than 30 topped the 400-point mark. The totals are boosted not only by the introduction of the A*, but also by the fact that many candidates for the leading universities take two A levels in the subject, as well as two or three others. Oxford remains in first place, largely because it outperformed Cambridge in two of the three of the subjects grouped together as mathematics in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. The two universities tied for the best grades in applied maths, but 90 per cent of Oxford’s work in statistics and operational research was considered world-leading or internationally excellent. Imperial was top for pure mathematics. Because of the scoring system, Oxford benefits from the fact that its final-year mathematicians again failed to respond to the 2011 National Student Survey in sufficient numbers to compile a score for student satisfaction. Sheffield Hallam, the leading post-1992 university and the only one in the top 20, had the most satisfied students, with Greenwich, in 42nd place, not far behind. Generally, mathematicians seem well satisfied with their courses: only one university fell below a 70 per cent approval rating. St Andrews, in fourth place overall, is easily the top university in Scotland, despite dropping one place this year, while Cardiff retains the lead in Wales. Cambridge has the top employment score. Graduates’ prospects are good in most universities – maths is among the top 15 subjects for positive destinations – but three universities do fall below 50 per cent on this measure in the latest table. Maths is often cited as one of the subjects most likely to lead to a lucrative career, and the earnings table seems to bear this out. Average salaries in graduate jobs are in the top 10 for any subject, topping £24,250 at the time of the latest survey.以下是2013年times英国大学排名数学专业排名。