简介:Despite the addition of one university in the latest Guide, the land and property management table is less than a third of the size it was in 2005. The economic downturn and now fee increases have taken their toll, although the subject is still in the top half of the employment table nationally. Even that is a shadow of the position two years ago, when land and property management featured in the top 20. At that time, graduate starting salaries averaged almost £22,000, compared with less than £19,500 in the new Guide. The unemployment rate is now above average, at 12 per cent, although 61 per cent of those completing courses still go straight into graduate-level jobs. Because land and property management tend to have small intakes, it is impossible to compile reliable scores for some universities, even though they are still offering one or more of the subjects. More than 20 universities and a number of colleges advertised degrees in this field starting in 2012. Cambridge has a predictably huge lead, despite not achieving enough responses from its final-year undergraduates for a satisfaction score to be compiled. It has entry standards that are more than 100 points higher than at second-placed Reading and 200 points above the other universities in the table. Cambridge also has by far the highest employment score and registered the best performance in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Greenwich, which has moved up to fifth this year, is a long way ahead of the rest for student satisfaction, although none of the universities registering a score slipped below 70 per cent in the 2011 National Student Survey. Sheffield Hallam is the highest-placed of four post-1992 universities in the ranking. There are no representatives of Scotland or Wales in the table, but Queen’s, Belfast offers land use and environmental management in Northern Ireland.以下是2013年times英国大学排名土地与物业管理专业排名。